Fame can be a Curse Everyone was shocked on hearing the sudden news of Sushant Singh Rajput passing away. May his soul RIP. The rising star of the industry who was battling depression succumbed to it. Depression is no joke. Everyone knows how hard it is to take place in this industry especially when you have no contact with the industry. If a person still achieved this, you cannot doubt if the person was weak. Only a strong-willed, highly determined person can make it. Still, the disease broke him. Depression is like any other deadly disease which any person can suffer from. Many people fight cancer yet many die even while fighting, it does not mean they were weak. The same is with this disease. Studies show that highly successful are more prone to mental illness than normal people. It is because they have to constantly tackle pressures. This fame and money can be a curse for many people. Most celebrities cannot enjoy their normal lives and vacations as they have to think about their e...
It will take 60,000 Years
YouTube!! One of the most popular online video sharing and entertainment platforms in the world. Also, YouTube is the world's second-largest search engine after Google. Just think about it, whenever you need something, you either search it on Google or watch some related videos on YouTube. We spend countless hours on YouTube with such seamlessly unlimited video supply on our phones. There is just so much to watch. We keep on scrolling and scrolling and scrolling and it never ends. But have you ever wondered how much content is there on YouTube?
Well, honestly the answer is 'Unlimited'. Yes, YouTube literally has no limit. To just give an idea, 500 hours of videos are uploaded every minute on youTube. So, by the time you finish reading this article, 1000-1500 hours of videos would have been uploaded there. People watch more than 1 billion hours of videos on YouTube in a single day. Just imagine, a billion hours!!
The most searched term on YouTube is 'Despacito' and then 'bts'. With such expansion, if you start watching videos it will never end because hundreds of hours of videos are uploaded every single minute.
But let us assume you are a stubborn kid
and you want to find out, how many hours no matter what, and you somehow manage to stop the flow of these new videos. Now you started watching videos. Day and night, every second you are watching, asking yourself when it'll finish.
Well, it will still take 60,000 years of continuous watching to finally finish all content on YouTube. 60,000 years is 21,900,000 days. Wait, Now let's make it more interesting. On average a human lives for 21,375 days. So, it will take you around 800 lifetimes of continuous watching just to finish all the videos. This is how big YouTube is.
So, just chill, and enjoy this unlimited stream of video supply.
Comment down your reactions and share with your friends to blow up their minds.
Hope you enjoyed :)
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